Mix up content on the homepage with widgets and shortcodes, set the layout full width or boxed style, choose your background color or set one of the 60+ custom backgrounds, set your header color or choose one of the 10 custom header, chose your navigation style and change the style of your products.. a theme so versatile that you can customize it to suit your business by simply changing a few settings. With Sommerce you can sell everything!
Ver. 1.3 December 30
Added: compatibility with version 3.3 of wordpress
Added: the style of jigoshop in the theme child
Added: order attributes in the shortcodes [yiw_last_products] and [yiw_featured_products]
Fixed: various bugs
Fixed: layout setting for the page, when there isn’t the jigoshop plugin installed
Fixed: bug with contact forms
Fixed: parsing of list shortcodes
Fixed: textdomain of some files
Updated: improved way how wordpress parse the shortcode in the page or post editor
Updated: language files
Updated: the importer of the theme, for sample data
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